At RMG I designed and art directed DTC’s UK site and an ambitious integrated sales pack for the Diamond Right Hand Ring. The pack was designed to educate buyers and sales associates in the USA to have more effective sales conversations and overcome cultural and marketing barriers to sales of Diamond Right Hand Rings.
The pack included a DVD, a supporting book and set of flash cards which bring ten consumer types to life. The user sees them talk about their attitudes to family, gift buying, self purchasing and jewellery. It suggests some of the best ways to sell Diamond Right Hand Rings to these consumers.
The pack was very well received with the DTC brand manager describing it as “the best training programme I have ever seen in the jewellery business”.
I designed the overall look and feel for the pack and specifically art directed and designed the DVD. This included interface and navigation design and video shoot, editing and motion graphics.
DTC ‘Making Things Right’ DVD intro from James Lane on Vimeo.