Andrew Lane Furniture

Andrew Lane Furniture


Andrew Lane is an award-winning contemporary furniture designer from Monmouth. He is also my brother and I have been looking after his branding and marketing needs for many years. Initially, he wanted a brand that would reflect the design ethos of his furniture and show off this work with some striking photographs.
By defining Andrew’s own design philosophy it was possible to create a set of rules to follow that always reflect that philosophy. At its core, Andrew Lane Furniture is about ergonomically thoughtful design with clean lines and a contemporary twist.


Google ‘Brand ReImagined’ events

Google ‘Brand ReImagined’ events

At Brand Fuel, I directed and designed many of the digital elements of the Google Brand ReImagined events in October 2013. These took place across Europe and featured a bespoke three-stage auditorium where multiple speakers presented to an invited audience of local business executives. The intention was to show them the changing nature of advertising and how Google tools can help them create a brand presence in non-traditional media spaces.

The role was both hands-on and client-facing. I developed ideas working with the event Producer and 3D Creative Director, frequently presented to the client team and was then hands-on directing a team of app developers. A large part of my work for the event was designing the UX and UI for a companion app. Delegates were handed tablets as they entered the event. With the app already installed and running it gave them an immediate contextual experience; information about the speakers, the ability to share to their own social channels and save notes, all of which were delivered to their inbox. The app always reflected and complimented the experience within the room, either showing the main speaker presentations or becoming passive so as not to distract in screensaver mode – at all times giving access to the sharing and note-taking functionality.

In the end, a personalised experience of the event was created and all the content that delegates saved to the app was then delivered back to their inbox as a unique record of their day.

Role: Creative Director (UX and UI), content Editing and Motion Graphics.

House Trafalgar – short

House Trafalgar – short


HOUSE TRAFALGAR is “an intense 25 minute movie blockbuster. The adventure and thrills of a Spielberg epic. A Napoleonic sea battle. In a house.” HOUSE TRAFALGAR is entertainment with a unique British twist.

House Trafalgar is a short comic film, I co-produced the film – directed by Mark Tew and written by Simon Messingham – and also shot it.

Balfour Beatty Workplace

Balfour Beatty Workplace

I created a set of animations for BBW’s HR department to help them promote a new company Intranet.
The set of eight each depicted a different corporate value of the company’s and were placed on the intranet, incorporated into internal emails and used in presentations.
Here are some of the final animations.


The Garden

The Garden


A short film showing the work of the Cortis Avenue Community Wildlife Garden, Worthing, West Sussex, a local initiative to regenerate a piece of derelict land for the benefit of all.
I shot and directed this film which was all about conveying the enthusiasm and camaraderie of the volunteers, their down-to-earth approach and the natural details of the site.