Kennedy Street Recovery

Branding + online + podcast + films

A comprehensive rebrand to lift this important charity’s presence and help it build for the future.

I got to know Kennedy Street during lockdown, helping them with live-streaming. It was obvious that their brand at that time didn’t fit with the charity’s personality or future plans.

I started from scratch, researching their current volunteers and supporters to understand the organisation and recovery world better.

Calling on the background of co-founder, ex-Coronation Street actor Kevin Kennedy (that had already influenced their name),  I devised a striking, clear logo that immediately tells us who they are and their role as a signposting organisation for people looking for addiction recovery.

Alongside the website, I developed a mindset across the charity to encourage more online social engagement that the lockdown, live-streamed chatshow had started. So a busier blog, a podcast, original promo films (below) and video content clipped from chatshow guests.

This work better defined the charity, helping it increase funding and enabled it to open its first physical recovery hub in central Brighton in 2022.

Primary palette

Calm green

Recovery pink

Darkest blue


Secondary palette

Mid blue

Deep pink

Sunshine yellow

Pale blue

Text black

Extending the brand further, I made these films to increase awareness of Kennedy Street Recovery.
Humour and honesty are brilliant tools for talking about difficult issues to specific audiences. To move an audience emotionally is what filmmakers always aim for. Because by doing so we enable difficult messages to be heard.
Self-depreciation, performance, and poetry give these films a truth that makes us stop and think about who might need our help, or whether we need to help ourselves. Ring the helpline.