NMCWatch – non-profit rebrand + strategy
When NMCWatch approached me it was a good time in their development for a brand refresh. As with other small organisations I have helped, creating a presence that better reflects their character was key to giving their future communications and fundraising a solid base.
One of the big communications challenges for NMCWatch is anonymity, so developing a visual language that didn’t rely on photography and video featuring their cohort was important.

Clear messaging is central to any rebrand. Once the key elements are set, other activities adopt a natural order. This development process can often help people understand and clarify what the organisation should be focussing on too.
Much of the initial rebrand work was around giving NMCWatch a more professional face. As founder-led organisations come of age, this is often the first issue I get involved with.
To start with, I focussed on developing a stronger tone of voice to clearly communicate what NMCWatch do, how they do it, and how that helps their very niche audience. I redesigned their visual brand elements and created a new website involving a thorough UX deep-dive, copywriting, illustrations, and WordPress build. This included re-ordering their existing website content, and improving SEO while reinforcing their thought-leadership role.
Primary palette
Midnight blue
Mid blue
Warm grey
Secondary palette
Midnight green
Light blue
Text black
As this non-profit gains confidence and sets itself for the future, I have been advising them about restructuring their offerings.
Part of this is to campaign for change to their industry regulator’s practice. Developing graphics that extend the visual identity to call for more direct action felt right.
I produce the podcast for NMCWatch and am now helping them strategise internal training and learning projects.